watching Spiderman … 3
heh. I love this movie. Or these
movies, to be precise.
is wonderful”…. so they say. Love is in the air, people holding hands,
everybody loves Spiderman. Next -- James Franco in his boxers, sinister and full
of dark fury, walking out of a chamber of green mist. Maybe not so wonderful.
villain two: Venom falls from the sky.
villain three: Sandman the escaped convict in his kitchen, arguing with his
truly terrible wife.
like Aunt May. “A man has to be understanding, and put his wife before himself.
Can you do that, Peter?” Peter looks so happy, so self-satisfied and beatifically
content. A perfect contrast to the heyday of hell that is about to be
unleashed. BAM!! HISSSSS!! ROAR!!
Our Hero
I like about Maguire’s portrayal is the latent energy behind his mildly
bemused, slightly sad face. I like people like that, who have so much going on
under the surface, but never let you know it. He’s very human, and that’s why we like him. He
takes MJ for granted like any other guy on an ego high. He tells her what to
think and how to feel, and then expects her to be ecstatic to marry him. But we
know he has so much more in there. Character, strength, kindness, passion,
grit. His gentle eyes belie a fierce resolve.
does this so well I cannot separate him from the character. In the newer movie,
The Amazing Spiderman, I like the guy
but keep thinking, “Well, that’s great. I wonder when the real Peter Parker is
getting back.” Sorry. I know it’s different… and he’s good, too…and I have to
admit – handsomer –blah blah blah.
that Tobey Maguire!
My Best Friend Harry
is so happy until he lets revenge eat at him and take him over. While he forgets
his father’s death and Spiderman he is able to be carefree and enjoy life.
Then, he remembers. Shakespeare's Hamlet is all over this. The mirror, the ghost of his
father, the revenge, the exact words, “Remember me.” Fighting with Laertes – I mean
Peter – I mean his brother – ahhh it’s like a dream of Hamlet meets superheroes
in New York! Something is rrrrotten in
the state of Denmark!
Franco is a wonderful tortured villain. I see shades of heroic Tristan and Isolde and echoes of the
insecure James Dean. I am now on a
quest to see more of his movies. This is unlikely to ever happen, but one never
knows. I may break my leg and have to spend a month on the couch, which would
be lovely.
The Symbiote
concept of Venom is fascinating. Giving life and a black, twisted, tarry form
to the evil that lurks in every heart is something we all understand. I know
how horrible I can be if I let myself go, a perfect glint-eyed monster of
selfishness. Angry.

vent to evil grants us power, for a moment, when always we feel powerless in
this ugly world. Life hurts and hurts and hurts some more, and when we run out
of ways to shut it out, we feel the anger, and it pushes feeling and power
through our veins. A kind of inverted hope, a black hole that vacuums our soul
and causes us to hurt everyone we can. Venom’s razor-toothed roar is
frightening and seductive at the same time.
Le Finale
Spiderman takes me away for a bit and yet leaves me with food for thought. Not
to tread on the toes of the Cool People and overthink it (heavens!). There is a great deal of commentary on
humanity that can be made. This is what makes Spidey 1, 2 and 3 my favorite
type of movie. I watch, I enjoy, I gasp, laugh, and smile, and I think.
Watching movies is not a waste of time at all; it moves me forward actually,
depending. Helps me process life, and throws a little light on things
sometimes. When I recognize a feeling or conflict a character is going through
it helps me feel more alive. Some days the rest of my life is a lie and the
movie is the only truth.
* * *
guess which one is my favorite.
Spiderman 2. It is smarter, more tightly woven, and looks deeper at the love
story…and I am after all, a girl.
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